A New Year
/May 2018 be your BEST year ever! Wishing you peace, health, and happiness for your new year and beyond. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continuous encouragement, zeal, and interest regarding my next novel. And always, thank you for sharing Essie’s Roses with your family and friends.
You are the reason I have this opportunity to tell stories. I am forever grateful.
Never Stop Dreaming
As I take leaps of faith to share my next novel, I encourage you to take one with me. Do you have a dream? It’s never too late. Step out and make new friends, believe in yourself and go for that new job, pick up a forgotten hobby, share your gift with others, or write a review for your favorite book. Whatever your desire, don’t ever stop dreaming.
“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”
I’m posting less the next few months, so please keep up with me on Facebook or via my newsletter for news about my new novel. Sign up here.